Sandy Robson and Freya Hoffmeister at Point PeronPhoto by Al HaleFreya’s looking out for the next big swell as Sandy paddles up the face. Paddling around the slop at Point PeronPhoto by Al HaleSeveral paddlers, including some club members, joined Freya in her Point Peron to Penguin Island segment. Sandy and Freya in Shoalwater BayPhoto by Al HaleHeading towards Penguin Island. Freya and WA paddlers at Mersey PointPhoto by Al HaleSandy Robson on Freya’s right, Terry Bolland on her left, with Brad Allen and Mark Alderson behind. Freya and WA paddlers at Mersey PointPhoto by Al HaleLeft to right: Brad Allen, Ian Pexton, Les Allen, Freya, Sandy Robson and Terry Bolland.